Friday 29 March 2013

2 weeks in - count

I was going to write to you about the printscreen in my last post. I know you've been wondering about it. But the truth is that it's not worth a whole few hundred words. I will tell you why later, there's something more important right now.

In two hours and a half, it'll be my birthday! The wonderful celebration of 27 years on the planet and 2 weeks in Amsterdam. Dutch achievements, so far: one walking tour, a phone with a Dutch number, been to three meetup-s, cooked dinner twelve times, gone out for drinks two times, had coffee outside five times, skyped with my parents three times and learned seven street names.. and a half. (Hey, don't judge, Dutch is a difficult language!)

And now that I've mentioned meetup's: they are an expat's answer to the problem of social life. New in town? Want to make some friends? We're grown up's now, it doesn't work like some years ago. You won't make friends with the neighbours nor with the kids from school. You go online and you look for people with similar interests. Other lonely people. Other outlanders who are organizing themselves around hobbies, languages, favorite foods, favorite arts, favorite sports.

Maybe I'll tell you about the International Women's Group. I found it when google searching, for fun, 'housewives in amsterdam' :)

And the gummy bear cake? I made it, yes. But by some horrible mistake, when it was almost ready and I re-programmed the oven for 10 more minutes, I messed up the buttons and turned on the microwave instead. I came back only to find it almost carbonized, floating in a bath of butter. Nevertheless, I decorated it, because the thought is what matters. And then? Then the boy ate the bears, I licked the chocolate and the rest went to.. the bin.

Looking forward to next time, there's so much to tell :)



  1. So happy you decided to keep on posting. Keep it up and keep on riding those waves!

  2. so happy to hear! :) warm hugs from Amsterdam, today was the first day of spring :)
