Wednesday 22 May 2013

een beetje filosofie

It's the 23rd of May and the weather in Amsterdam looks like this. Everyone is complaining, of course. And the thing that drew my attention was that everytime someone says something about it, they mention that "it's the end of May!!!". So it's really not so much about the actual experience, but about the context. Our mental context, the one that our mind creates (with good reason, of course, based on years of personal experience and aquired geographical knowledge).

The mind is right, the context is correct, but in this case it only makes us feel worse. If this weather happened in the middle of January, everybody would be extatic. Well.. maybe not extatic, with all the rain, but pretty satisfied for sure. And that feeling of happiness would also not have so much to do with the actual experience, but with the mental perception that something is better than it "should" be. :)

Today, almost at the end of the month of May, there was a maximum of 14 degrees, with a lot of wind and a little bit of sun. It's been raining for a few days, so seeing the sun made me feel happy. So I went outside and jogged and went for a walk and cycled half the city and enjoyed this lovely day. In the context, it was pretty crappy. In experience, it was nice.

And now should start thinking where else in my life I apply the same principle? Don't even know if I want to go threre :) 

1 comment:

  1. hmm thanx for sharing you knowledge you really have the sense of writing
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